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Top 10 Human Food That Are Good For Your Dog

May 17, 2024

As pet owners, we often want to share our meals with our furry friends, but it's crucial to know which human foods are safe and beneficial for them. This article highlights ten common human foods that are not only safe but also nutritious for dogs. Integrating these foods into your dog's diet can provide variety and additional health benefits, enhancing their overall well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Carrots are low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins, making them a healthy snack for dogs.
  • Peanut Butter (unsalted and unsweetened) is a good source of protein and healthy fats.
  • Plain, air-popped popcorn can be a low-calorie treat if it is unsalted and unbuttered.
  • Chicken, fully cooked and unseasoned, is a great source of protein for dogs.
  • Pumpkin can help with digestive health due to its high fiber content.

1. Carrots

dog eating carrots

Carrots are not only a healthy treat for humans but also for our furry friends. Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dog to eat, providing a source of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and fiber. They are particularly low in calories, which makes them an excellent choice for dogs that need to maintain a healthy weight.

Here are a few reasons why I include carrots in my dog's diet:

  • They are full of antioxidants which help in maintaining overall health.
  • The crunchy nature of carrots helps in cleaning my dog's teeth by scraping off plaque and buildup.
  • Carrots can be easily added to your dog's meals or used as a healthy snack during training sessions.

Before feeding carrots to your dog, it's important to cut them into bite-size pieces to prevent choking. This simple step ensures that your dog can enjoy this nutritious snack safely.

2. Peanut Butter

dog eating peanut butter

Peanut butter is not only a delicious treat for dogs but also a nutritious one when chosen correctly. Always opt for unsalted and additive-free peanut butter to ensure it's safe for your furry friend. This type of peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and protein, which are essential for your dog's diet. However, it's important to moderate the amount you give to avoid potential weight gain due to its high calorie content.

Peanut butter can be a great way to make homemade dog treats. Just remember to keep it simple and natural.

Here are a few tips on how to safely incorporate peanut butter into your dog's diet:

  1. Check the label to ensure there are no harmful additives like xylitol.
  2. Use it as an occasional treat rather than a regular part of their diet.
  3. Consider using it as a filling for toys to keep your dog entertained.

3. Popcorn

dog eating popcorn

When it comes to treating your furry friend, popcorn can be a delightful snack, provided it's prepared correctly. Plain, air-popped popcorn is safe for dogs in moderation and offers a variety of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, which are essential for your dog's health. These minerals help in maintaining bone health and overall vitality.

Here are a few tips to ensure it's safe:

  1. Always choose unsalted and unbuttered popcorn.
  2. Make sure all the kernels are fully popped to avoid choking hazards.
  3. Avoid any additives like butter or oil, as these can lead to health issues such as pancreatitis due to high fat content.
Remember, while popcorn can be a fun occasional treat, it should not replace a balanced diet for your dog.

4. Chicken

dog eating chicken healthy pet food

As a dog owner, I always ensure that my pet's diet is both nutritious and enjoyable. Chicken is a fantastic choice for dogs due to its high protein content and essential vitamins. It's important to feed your dog cooked chicken, as it is safer and healthier than raw chicken, which can contain harmful bacteria.

Here are a few tips on how to safely incorporate chicken into your dog's diet:

  • Always opt for plain cooked chicken without any added sauces, seasonings, or marinades.
  • Make sure to remove all bones from the chicken before feeding it to your dog to prevent any choking hazards or digestive tract injuries.
  • Chicken can be mixed with your dog's regular food to enhance its flavor and increase the protein content.
Chicken not only boosts the protein levels in your dog's diet but also provides essential vitamins that support nerve function and help prevent neurological issues.

By following these simple guidelines, you can make chicken a safe and beneficial part of your dog's diet.

5. Pumpkin

dog eating pumpkin

I've found that incorporating pumpkin into my dog's diet can be incredibly beneficial, especially for those with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues. This wonderful food is not only rich in vitamins and fiber but also low in calories, making it an excellent choice for maintaining a healthy weight. Here’s how I include pumpkin in my dog’s meals:

  • I opt for either canned pumpkin or fresh, cooked pumpkin that has no added sugars or spices.
  • I usually mix a small amount into their regular food or serve it as a separate treat.
  • It’s crucial to avoid pumpkin pie filling due to its high sugar and spice content, which is not suitable for dogs.
Pumpkin is particularly effective for dogs with digestive problems, helping to regulate their system and improve overall health.

By ensuring the pumpkin is plain and properly prepared, I can help my dog enjoy the digestive benefits and essential nutrients it offers without any risks.

6. Eggs

dog eating eggs in kitchen

Eggs are a superb addition to your dog's diet, offering a rich source of protein and a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. When I include eggs in my dog's meals, I always make sure they are thoroughly cooked to avoid the risk of Salmonella. Cooked eggs can significantly boost your dog's health, providing nutrients such as iron, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc.

It's important to serve the eggs plain, without any additives like garlic or onions that could harm your pet. Some dog owners believe that eggs can help relieve nausea in dogs, although this isn't backed by scientific evidence. Nonetheless, the nutritional benefits are clear, making eggs a great choice for an occasional treat or a regular part of your dog's diet.

Remember, always avoid raw eggs to keep your dog safe from potential health risks.

7. Apples

dog eating apple in a sunny park

Apples are not only a healthy snack for humans but also for our furry friends. Most dogs enjoy the crunch and taste of a fresh apple. It's important to serve them properly to ensure they are safe for your dog. Always remove the seeds and core, as they can be a choking hazard and the seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic. Here’s how you can safely include apples in your dog’s diet:

  • Wash the apple thoroughly.
  • Slice the apple into manageable pieces, ensuring they are small enough to prevent choking.
  • Remove all seeds and the core before serving.

Apples are high in fiber and antioxidants, which can help to boost your dog’s digestive health and overall wellness. However, like all good things, apples should be given in moderation to avoid any digestive upset.

8. Green Beans

dog eating green beans

Green beans are a fantastic choice when considering healthy treats for your dog. These vibrant veggies are not only low in calories but also rich in essential nutrients that can boost your dog's health. Dogs can definitely eat green beans. They are packed with fiber, vitamins A, C, K, and minerals like iron and calcium, making them an excellent addition to your pet's diet.

  • Green beans are a good source of protein and low in fat.
  • They can be served cooked or raw, but make sure to chop them up to prevent choking.
  • Always serve green beans plain, without any salt or seasoning to ensure they are safe for your dog.
Remember, while green beans are beneficial, they should only be given in moderation to avoid digestive issues.

By incorporating green beans into your dog's diet, you're not only providing a tasty treat but also helping them maintain a healthy weight and supporting their overall well-being.

9. Sweet Potatoes

dog eating sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only a delicious treat but also a nutritious addition to your dog's diet. Cooked plain sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamins such as B-6 and C, which are essential for your dog's overall health. You can easily incorporate sweet potatoes into your dog's meals by adding them to their regular food or serving them as an occasional treat.

Sweet potatoes are very high in vitamin C, an antioxidant your dog needs to reduce inflammation and cognitive aging.

Remember, while sweet potatoes are beneficial, they should be given in moderation. Excessive amounts can lead to vitamin A toxicity, which may cause bone problems and muscle weakness in dogs. Always ensure the sweet potatoes are cooked and served plain, without any added spices or seasonings, to avoid any health issues.

10. Oatmeal

dog eating oatmeal in a cozy kitchen

Cooked oatmeal is not only a staple in many human breakfasts but also a fantastic food choice for our canine friends. It's packed with nutrients like vitamin B and linoleic acid, which are essential for maintaining a healthy coat and strong skin. Moreover, oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, making it an excellent aid for digestion, especially for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

When incorporating oatmeal into your dog's diet, ensure it is cooked and plain. Avoid any added sugars, sweeteners, or flavors that could be harmful. A simple way to serve oatmeal is by mixing it with their regular food, ensuring they reap the benefits without any risks. Remember, moderation is key to prevent any potential weight gain from the extra calories.

Oatmeal provides a superior nutritional profile per calorie, making it an excellent choice for dogs, particularly those with grain sensitivities or digestive issues.


In conclusion, incorporating certain human foods into your dog's diet can provide them with additional health benefits and variety. From popcorn to carrots, the foods listed in this article are not only safe but can also contribute positively to your dog's nutritional intake. However, it's crucial to remember that these foods should complement, not replace, a balanced diet tailored to your dog's specific needs. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing new foods to ensure they align with your dog's health requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat popcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat popcorn as a treat, but it should be low in salt and sugar to avoid dehydration and health issues.

Are carrots safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, carrots are safe and healthy for dogs. They provide essential vitamins and can be a low-calorie snack.

Is peanut butter good for dogs?

Peanut butter is generally safe for dogs, but it should be unsalted and free from xylitol, a toxic artificial sweetener.

Can I feed my dog chicken?

Yes, cooked chicken is a great source of protein for dogs. However, make sure it's unseasoned and free from bones.

Is pumpkin good for dogs?

Yes, pumpkin is beneficial for dogs as it aids in digestion and can help regulate bowel movements.

Can dogs eat eggs?

Yes, eggs are safe for dogs and are a good source of protein. Ensure they are cooked to avoid the risk of salmonella.

Are apples good for dogs?

Yes, apples are good for dogs. They provide vitamins and help clean teeth, but the core and seeds should be removed to avoid choking and cyanide poisoning from the seeds.

Are green beans safe for dogs to eat?

Yes, green beans are safe and healthy for dogs. They are a good source of fiber and low in calories.

*Food for Bark strives to deliver accurate and current pet care information. However, we are not veterinarians. Our content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional veterinarians' advice. Always consult your veterinarian for any concerns about your pet's health. Use of our site indicates your agreement to this disclaimer and absolves us of responsibility for any outcomes from applying the information provided.
Hilda Wong

Hello! I'm a lifelong dog enthusiast, with a passion that's been part of me since childhood. Growing up, my home was always filled with the joyful presence of dogs. This wasn't just a coincidence; my family holds a deep-seated belief that dogs are more than pets—they are guardians that protect us from misfortune. This belief has profoundly shaped my life. We've always held the view that it's essential to have a dog in the household. In our tradition, if we sadly lose one, we honor their memory by welcoming a new furry friend into our lives. This cycle of care and companionship has been a cornerstone of my upbringing. For me, taking care of dogs is not just a responsibility; it's a way to show gratitude for the joy and protection they bring into our lives. Each dog I've had the privilege of caring for has taught me invaluable lessons about loyalty, joy, and unconditional love. I strive to give them the best life possible, just as they enrich mine every single day.

Hilda Wong