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How to Stop Resource Guarding in Dogs

July 6, 2024
resource guarding

Resource guarding in dogs is when a dog becomes protective over something they value, like food, toys, or even a favorite spot. This can lead to growling, snapping, or even biting. Understanding and managing this behavior is important for a peaceful home.

Key Takeaways

  • Resource guarding is a common dog behavior where a dog protects valuable items.
  • Dogs may guard resources due to fear, anxiety, or lack of confidence.
  • It's crucial to understand a dog's body language to recognize signs of resource guarding.
  • Using positive training techniques can help reduce resource guarding behavior.
  • Professional help may be needed if the behavior is severe or dangerous.

Understanding Resource Guarding: The Basics

What is Resource Guarding?

If you've ever seen your dog stand stiff over their favorite toy, giving the stink eye to any other dog that dares to come close, you've witnessed resource guarding. This behavior is all about a dog trying to keep their prized possessions—whether it's toys, beds, treats, or even a favorite human—all to themselves. Resource guarding doesn't always mean growling or biting; sometimes it's just a stern look or a stiff posture.

Why Do Dogs Guard Resources?

Dogs guard resources for a bunch of reasons. Sometimes it's because they're afraid of losing something valuable. Other times, it's because they're feeling anxious or insecure. Think of it like how you might guard your last slice of pizza when you're really hungry. Dogs just want to make sure their treasures are safe.

Common Triggers for Resource Guarding

There are several things that can set off resource guarding in dogs. Here are a few common triggers:

  • Food: This is a big one. Many dogs get protective over their meals or treats.
  • Toys: Some dogs have a favorite toy they just can't share.
  • Space: Dogs might guard their bed or a specific spot on the couch.
  • People: Yes, dogs can even guard their favorite humans from other dogs or people.

Understanding these triggers can help you manage and prevent resource guarding behaviors in your furry friend.

Recognizing the Signs of Resource Guarding

Recognizing the signs of resource guarding is crucial for early intervention. Common signs include: growling or snapping when approached while eating or playing with a toy. Some dogs may exhibit subtle signs, such as freezing or stiffening when approached, while others may display overt aggression, such as lunging or biting.

Why Dogs Guard Their Treasures

Fear and Anxiety

Dogs can be a bit like us when it comes to their prized possessions. Sometimes, they guard their treasures out of fear and anxiety. Imagine if someone tried to take away your favorite snack! Dogs hoard food for survival and this instinct can kick in when they feel threatened. This behavior can be traced back to their wild ancestors who had to protect their resources to survive.

Lack of Confidence

A dog with low self-esteem might guard their stuff because they feel insecure. They think, "If I don't hold on to this, I might never get it back!" This is especially true for dogs that have had a rough start in life or haven't been properly socialized. They might see their toys, food, or even you as something they need to protect fiercely.

Need for Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit. They love their routines and anything that disrupts it can cause them to become possessive. If your dog is used to having their favorite toy at a certain time of day, they might guard it more aggressively if that routine is interrupted. This need for routine can make them cling to their treasures even more.

So, next time your dog is acting like a pirate with a chest of gold, remember, they're just trying to feel safe and secure in their own way.

How to Approach a Guarding Dog Safely

Approaching a dog that's guarding something can be tricky, but with the right steps, you can do it safely. Always remember, safety first!

Training Techniques to Curb Resource Guarding

Training your dog to stop resource guarding can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some techniques to help you out.

Positive Reinforcement

Using positive reinforcement is a great way to teach your dog that sharing is caring. Reward your dog with treats and praise when they show good behavior around their prized possessions. Positive reinforcement helps your dog associate good things with sharing, making them less likely to guard their resources.

Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning

Desensitization and counter-conditioning involve gradually exposing your dog to the things that trigger their guarding behavior, but in a controlled and positive way. Start by giving your dog a high-value treat while they are near the trigger item. Over time, your dog will learn that the presence of the trigger item means good things happen, reducing their need to guard it.

Professional Training Options

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might need a little extra help. Professional trainers can offer specialized techniques and insights to help curb resource guarding. They can provide a tailored training plan and guide you through the process, ensuring your dog learns to feel safe and relaxed around their treasures.

Managing Resource Guarding Between Dogs

Feeding Time Strategies

When it comes to feeding time, separation is key. If your dogs tend to guard their food, it's best to feed them in different rooms or use baby gates to create separate spaces. This way, each dog can enjoy their meal without feeling the need to protect it from the other. Remember, setting limits on treats is also important to avoid any potential conflicts.

Toy and Space Management

Dogs can be pretty possessive about their favorite toys or resting spots. To prevent any squabbles, remove high-value items like bones or special toys when the dogs are together. You can also create designated areas for each dog to relax in, ensuring they have their own safe space.

When Separation is Necessary

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your dogs might still have issues with resource guarding. In such cases, it's crucial to know when to separate them. If you notice any signs of aggression or tension, it's better to be safe and keep them apart. This can help prevent any serious fights and keep the peace at home.

By following these strategies, you can help manage resource guarding between your dogs and create a more harmonious living environment for everyone.

What Not to Do: Common Mistakes

Punishment Pitfalls

Never challenge a dog for his food. Unfortunately, some outdated techniques required pet parents to “not allow this behavior” and to “take the food away.” New education in science and training has taught us this is really bad advice. Not only is this not safe for the pet parent, but it reinforces the dog’s belief that he must defend his food. It also increases stress, anxiety, and in some cases aggression.

Avoiding Confrontation

Without taking the necessary proactive and preventive steps (which I'll outline further below), sticking your hand in your dog's food bowl while they're eating or just taking away their chew toy will backfire. All you're doing is annoying your dog and teaching them that when you reach for something, they'll lose it. Not the association we want our dogs to make!

Check out and share this video about how we often create resource guarding in our dogs by playing with their food:

Misreading Signals

Think about working in small "slices" when treating your dog's resource guarding. Don't rush through the process and just reach for their bowl — that's setting them up to fail, and you might get bit. To see these steps in action, watch this video about resource guarding and food aggression from 4Paws University:

Creating a Safe Environment at Home

Creating a safe environment at home is key to managing resource guarding in dogs. Safety first—both for you and your dog. Here are some tips to help you set up a secure space for your furry friend.

Setting Boundaries

Be especially alert in new situations, which can bring out these tendencies. For example, if a new dog visits, create a neutral environment free of items that might cause tension. Put the toy basket away, close the crate, and don’t leave the food bowl out.

Safe Spaces for Each Dog

The first step in his training was to block off his access to the kitchen. Voilá! He didn't have access to the knives and, therefore, couldn't grab them and take off. Once his environment was managed, we then practiced things like Go to Bed while his owner cooked meals and the Drop It cue.

Supervised Interactions

Stay vigilant in other places, too. Don’t bring toys to the dog park, and if you take your pup to doggie daycare, ask the staff to tell you if they notice any guarding behavior.

Raising Awareness Among Family and Friends

When it comes to resource guarding, getting everyone on the same page is crucial. Educating household members about your dog's behavior can make a world of difference. Make sure everyone knows what to look for and how to react. This isn't just about keeping your dog safe; it's about keeping everyone safe.

Educating Household Members

First things first, have a family meeting. Explain what resource guarding is and why it's happening. Use simple terms and maybe even some funny examples to keep it light. The goal is to make sure everyone understands the importance of not provoking the dog. Remember, don't "test" the dog by taking away their food or toys just to see what happens. Instead, observe and take note of their body language.

Communicating with Visitors

When friends or family come over, give them a heads-up about your dog's behavior. A quick, "Hey, just so you know, our dog is a bit protective of his toys," can go a long way. You can even make a little sign to put up as a reminder. This way, everyone knows to give your dog some space and avoid any potential issues.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is super important. Make sure everyone follows the same rules and guidelines. If one person lets the dog get away with something, it can confuse the dog and make the behavior worse. Keep everyone in the loop and remind them why these rules are in place. It's all about creating a safe and happy environment for both your dog and your family.

Preventing Resource Guarding in Puppies

Preventing resource guarding in puppies is all about starting early and being consistent. Prevention is always easier than treatment! Here are some fun and effective ways to set your puppy up for success.

When to Call in the Pros

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your dog's resource guarding behavior might not improve. If your dog has snapped or bitten, it might be time to call in the help of a professional animal behaviorist to nip the problem in the bud. Below, we break down when and how to seek professional help.


So there you have it, folks! Resource guarding in dogs might seem like a tough nut to crack, but with a bit of patience, understanding, and a sprinkle of humor, you can help your furry friend feel more secure. Remember, the key is to make them realize that you're not out to steal their prized possessions. By raising awareness, making a solid management plan, and ensuring a peaceful environment, you can turn those growls into tail wags. And hey, if all else fails, there's always the option of hiring a professional trainer. Good luck, and may your home be filled with more cuddles and fewer growls!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is resource guarding in dogs?

Resource guarding is when a dog tries to protect something they value, like food, toys, or even a person. The dog might growl, snap, or bite to keep others away from their prized item.

How can I stop my dog from resource guarding?

To stop resource guarding, teach your dog that humans approaching their valued item is a good thing. Avoid taking things away when they're growling. Instead, use positive reinforcement and reward them for calm behavior.

Why do dogs guard their resources?

Dogs guard their resources because they feel the need to protect something valuable. This could be due to fear, anxiety, or a lack of confidence. Sometimes, it's just a natural instinct.

What are common triggers for resource guarding?

Common triggers include food, toys, beds, and even certain people. Anything the dog sees as valuable can become a trigger for guarding behavior.

How can I safely approach a dog that is guarding something?

Approach slowly and calmly. Avoid direct eye contact and give the dog space. Never try to take the item away by force. Instead, use treats to distract and reward the dog for calm behavior.

When should I seek professional help for resource guarding?

If your dog's resource guarding leads to aggressive behavior, it's time to seek help from a professional trainer or a behavioral specialist. They can provide you with strategies to manage and reduce the behavior safely.

Can resource guarding be managed between dogs?

Yes, you can manage resource guarding between dogs by separating them during feeding times and removing trigger items when they're together. Providing special items only when they are apart can also help.

What are common mistakes to avoid when dealing with resource guarding?

Avoid punishing your dog, as this can make the behavior worse. Don't try to confront or challenge the dog, and always pay attention to their body language to prevent misunderstandings.

*Food for Bark strives to deliver accurate and current pet care information. However, we are not veterinarians. Our content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional veterinarians' advice. Always consult your veterinarian for any concerns about your pet's health. Use of our site indicates your agreement to this disclaimer and absolves us of responsibility for any outcomes from applying the information provided.
Hilda Wong

Hello! I'm a lifelong dog enthusiast, with a passion that's been part of me since childhood. Growing up, my home was always filled with the joyful presence of dogs. This wasn't just a coincidence; my family holds a deep-seated belief that dogs are more than pets—they are guardians that protect us from misfortune. This belief has profoundly shaped my life. We've always held the view that it's essential to have a dog in the household. In our tradition, if we sadly lose one, we honor their memory by welcoming a new furry friend into our lives. This cycle of care and companionship has been a cornerstone of my upbringing. For me, taking care of dogs is not just a responsibility; it's a way to show gratitude for the joy and protection they bring into our lives. Each dog I've had the privilege of caring for has taught me invaluable lessons about loyalty, joy, and unconditional love. I strive to give them the best life possible, just as they enrich mine every single day.

Hilda Wong